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eBay Gift Card (US)

$ 5.15$ 206.00


What is eBay Gift Card

Use the eBay Gift Card to shop from millions of items in Electronics, Toys, Motors, Fashion, Home & Garden, Art, Collectibles, Sporting Goods, and everything in-between. eBay Gift Cards never expire and have no fees. Use it to shop now or wait for the deal of a lifetime. To use this Gift Card, you must have a U.S. registered eBay account, a PayPal account, and a U.S. shipping address. Only redeemable for items listed on, when PayPal is accepted. After first use, the Gift Card is non-transferrable.

How to purchase in MooGold

  1. Sign in to MooGold or register a new account at
  2. Go to the Shop page to choose the desired category or games you want. You can also search through the search bar.
  3. Choose the product and select the quantity you want. Click Add to Cart.
  4. Complete the checkout by choosing a payment method and make a payment.
  5. After successful payment, contact live chat for listing, etc, and with your order id to receive your item.

How to redeem in eBay

  1. Visit here.
  2. When you’re ready to check out, click the ‘Pay now’ button.
  3. Type in the gift card code in the ‘Redeem a Gift Card, certificate or coupon’
  4. Hit the ‘Apply’ button and then the ‘Continue’ button.
  5. Click ‘Confirm payment
  6. Any balance remaining will stay on the card for your next eBay purchase.


We are the authorized online reseller for eBay Gift Card. MooGold offers various denominations in our store depending on your gaming needs. Besides that, we also provide you with multiple payment options. We provide 24/7 customer service and fast & reliable delivery.

Disclaimer :

  1. All the items under the card category do not include manuals, Installation CDs, boxes, physical cards, or other physical elements unless otherwise stated. You will be able to view your codes on the Orders page after your order is processed.

Return Policy :

  1. Codes are strictly not refundable nor exchangeable after the code is delivered.


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