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$ 0.89$ 449.99


Game Description



  1. 丰富的修仙系统:包括功法修炼、灵宠养成、法宝锻造等多种修仙元素,玩家可以通过这些系统不断提升自身实力。
  2. 多样化的副本:游戏中设有各类副本,玩家可以组队挑战强大的BOSS,获取珍稀奖励,感受团队合作的乐趣。
  3. 自由探索世界:开放式的大地图设计,玩家可以自由探索仙境、古墓、山川河流等多种场景,发掘隐藏的宝藏和秘密。
  4. 丰富的社交玩法:包括仙盟系统、好友组队、跨服对战等,玩家可以与其他修仙者一起修炼、竞争或协作。
  5. 精美的画面:游戏采用了精美的东方仙侠风格画面,呈现出一个如梦似幻的修仙世界,给玩家带来沉浸式的视觉体验。


《青云修仙传:伏魔篇》讲述了一个凡人为了斩妖除魔、守护世间正义而踏上修仙之路的故事。玩家在游戏中将面临各类妖魔的威胁,逐步解开伏魔的秘密,并在此过程中与其他修仙者携手共进,最终达到飞升成仙的目标。 这款游戏适合喜欢仙侠题材和开放世界探索的玩家,同时游戏的修仙系统也提供了深度玩法,能让玩家在修行的过程中体验到成就感。

How to purchase 青云修仙传:伏魔篇 in MooGold:

  1. First, select the 灵晶 denomination.
  2. Besides, enter your User ID.
  3. After that, check out and choose your payment method.
  4. After payment is made, the 灵晶 you purchased will be credited to your account within 30 minutes.
  5. Enjoy your 灵晶!

How to find 青云修仙传:伏魔篇 User ID?

  1. First, log in to the game using your account.
  2. Next, tap on the Avatar located in the upper left corner, and then click the Settings icon.
  3. Furthermore, in the settings menu, click the 改名 (Change Name) icon.
  4. Finally, your 青云修仙传:伏魔篇 User ID and Character Name will be displayed.

How to purchase in MooGold:

  1. First, sign in to MooGold or register a new account at
  2. Besides, go to the Shop page to choose the desired category or games you want. You can also search through the search bar.
  3. After that, choose the product and select the quantity you want. Click Add to Cart.
  4. Last but not least, complete the checkout by choosing a payment method and make a payment.
  5. After successful payment, contact live-chat for listing, others, and with your order id to receive your item.


We are the authorized online reseller for 青云修仙传:伏魔篇. MooGold offers various denominations in our store depending on your gaming needs. Besides that, we also provide you with multiple payment options. We provide 24/7 customer service and fast & reliable delivery.  


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