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WeChat Reload

(26 customer reviews)

$ 0.00

/ 10 RMB

Out of stock


Delivery Instruction

Delivery Instruction for WeChat 微信 Reload & Top Up :
  1. Place an order for the amount of RMB you want.
  2. After payment made, contact MooGold live chat for the delivery.

WeChat Reload Service

Please fill in your account details in the order Remarks for us to deliver:
  • Wechat ID:
  • Name:
  • Amount Purchased:
Kindly re-confirm your account details to avoid any unnecessary delay of delivery. Note :
  1. This reload service is for Chinese Yuan (RMB)
  2. Your account must be verified and tied with China Bank Card to receive the reload.
  3. Please do not make payment with PayPal as MooGold will not proceed with the reload service.